Realism - significado y definición. Qué es Realism
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Qué (quién) es Realism - definición

Realist; Realistic; Realists; Realisms; Realistical; Realistic (disambiguation); Realism (album); Realism (disambiguation)
¦ noun
1. the attitude or practice of accepting a situation as it is and dealing with it accordingly.
2. (in art or literature) the representation of things in a way that is accurate and true to life.
3. Philosophy the doctrine that universals or abstract concepts have an objective or absolute existence. Often contrasted with nominalism.
the doctrine that matter as the object of perception has real existence.
realist noun & adjective
Realist; Realistic; Realists; Realisms; Realistical; Realistic (disambiguation); Realism (album); Realism (disambiguation)
When people show realism in their behaviour, they recognize and accept the true nature of a situation and try to deal with it in a practical way.
It was time now to show more political realism...
N-UNCOUNT [approval]
If things and people are presented with realism in paintings, stories, or films, they are presented in a way that is like real life.
Greene's stories had an edge of realism that made it easy to forget they were fiction...
N-UNCOUNT [approval]
Realist; Realistic; Realists; Realisms; Realistical; Realistic (disambiguation); Realism (album); Realism (disambiguation)
·noun Fidelity to nature or to real life; representation without idealization, and making no appeal to the imagination; adherence to the actual fact.
II. Realism ·noun As opposed to idealism, the doctrine that in sense perception there is an immediate cognition of the external object, and our knowledge of it is not mediate and representative.
III. Realism ·noun As opposed to nominalism, the doctrine that genera and species are real things or entities, existing independently of our conceptions. According to realism the Universal exists ante rem (Plato), or in re (Aristotle).


Realism, Realistic, or Realists may refer to:
Ejemplos de pronunciación para Realism
1. There's realism versus non-realism-- realism being
Through Two Doors at Once _ Anil Ananthaswamy _ Talks at Google
2. magical realism.
Mysteries Of The Universe and Cold Dark Matter _ Professor Carlos Frenk _ Talks at Google
3. it's realism.
4. with realism.
The Magicians Trilogy _ Lev Grossman _ Talks at Google
5. No, I'm talking about the lack of realism. Realism.
Swordfish (2001)
Ejemplos de uso de Realism
1. This is realism of a high order, particularly for a president often accused of lacking realism in his foreign policy.
2. It is time for a new realism in Ukraine‘s relations with the EU –– a realism that keeps the question of membership in perspective.
3. Obama‘s speech was a blend of euphoria and realism.
4. The accord struck, by contrast, has the virtue of realism.
5. As academic theories go, realism is exceptionally straightforward.